Friday, June 12, 2009


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B) I think the Friday blogs are a good idea. It gives us a chance to get out of the classroom and put are creative skills to use. For the most part the blog assignments given were simple tasks that didn't take too much thinking, i like this because it gave me a chance to unwind the stress and just have a relaxing Friday.

1) Overall i did enjoy Friday blog-day because it was simple thinking work and i enjoyed the creative tasks that were given. I think that students and teachers would both benefit from these blog days. It gives students the chance to show off their computer skills and it gives teachers the chance to see those skills.

2) My favorite blog activity was the faceinhole blog. I thought it was quite amusing to see my face in a bunch of different characters and celebrities. My favorite faceinhole was the one of me as shrek.

3) My least favorite blog activity was the Cyberpunk blog. I found it hard to get into the questions because i had never really heard of a "cyberpunk" before. Although i didn't find that blog very interesting I did learn some information about the genre.

4) I think a cool blog for future bloggers would be to create thier own website using piczo or another webmaking site. On the site they could write their likes and dislikes, an about me and maybe even some poems or something creative they have done in the past. I think that would be neat to do.

C) I don't have anything to suggest for improvements.

1) My favorite activity this semester was my summative project. I enjoyed teaching people how to tie dye and I'm glad that all their shirts turned out. Tie dye is just a fun way to pass time, in my opinion.

2) My least enjoyable acitivy this semester was doing the biography questions from the book. I thought it was a bit boring and the information didn't really catch my attention. The biography unit could be improved by showing more documenty biographies on tape so that it would catch more of the students attention.

-Becca: How To Blog
-Evelyn: The Last Book in the Universe Characters
- Spencer: How To Blog
- Jeff: How To Blog

E) Goodbye bloggers of 2009!
I hope you future bloggers have as much fun with blogging as I did!
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Friday, May 22, 2009

How Too.. Introduction!

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a) My favourite "how two" video was "How To Kiss With Passion."

b) "How to Kiss With Passion," was my favorite video because I found it funny. I wouldn't have thought that anyone would take the time to teach people how to kiss. In fact I don't overly think it's something you need to be taught, people just learn on their own. All that being said, the video was still entertaining(in a humorous way).

c) The most important tip was to brush your teeth, floss and mouth wash. I think that's a good tip because no one will want to kiss you with your breath smelling like the last thing you ate.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Can You Picture It?

1) Rodman Philbrick was twenty-seven years old when his first book was published. It took him eleven years to find a publisher to publish his genre of novels.

2) I think what makes Rodman Philbrick a good writer is his determination. Although he kept getting turned down at first he never gave up because he knew in his heart that he was meant to be an author. I also think it's nice that he actually reads the comments from his fans. It gives him an idea of what the people would like to see in the future or what they liked about his novels and that's what makes him such a strong author.

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I think this boy represents 'Spaz' because he looks about the same age as described in the book. He also looks lost and depressed which is how Spaz feels at some points in this book.

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I chose this man to be 'Ryter' because he looks old and wise. I can also see him being the type of person that likes to write stories and help people in need, even if it cost his own life.

C)Little Face:
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I chose this boy to be 'Little Face' because he looks like a young boy and his clothes are torn and dirty. It shows that hes homeless and has to fend for himself.

D)Lanaya (The Proov Girl):
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I picked this girl to be 'Lanaya' because the girl in the picture doesn't seem to have any flaws, which makes her "perfect." She also looks to be about the same age as the picture i selected for Spaz.

E)A Monkey Boy:
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I chose this picture to represent a 'Monkey Boy' because the face paint looks almost exactly how i pictured it. Although this person doesnt have fangs they still look pretty wild and crazy.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Pre-Reading Write Up

1) Dictatorship is a form of government in which an individual, a committee or a group holds absolute power. An example of a person that brought dictatorship upon a country was Adolf Hitler.
He, as a dictator maintained exclusive control over the government and established power through violence, force and sometimes even political trickery.
Countries under dictatorship have little freedom of speech, assembly and elections are absolutely forbidden.
So basically dictatorship is a system of government in which the rules have no legal restrictions on their power.

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^ Adolf Hitler, was the dictator of Germany from 1933-1945.

(indents wont work for paragraphs)

Friday, March 27, 2009


1. -space ship flying through the air.
-talk about Rachel being a clone of some sort.
-high-tech equipment is used for reading her eye.

2. A mysterious mood is set in the clip of Blade Runner. The director set this mysterious mood by the music playing in the background and the dark lighting and shadows on the actors faces.

3. Things in the book Neuromancer that might appeal to me is the action and mystery that is implied on the back. It sounds like this Case person gets into some trouble and it would be interesting to find out how he gets out of trouble and what the mysterious second chance really is.

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Name: Bohx # 22
Physical Traits: bald, wrinkly, bulk head gear warn on head 24/7
Powers: x-ray vision, high intelligence, quick reflex
Likes: bowling, saving the world from evil cyborgs, golfing
Job: look out for evil cyborgs & cyclops
Friends: other versions of Bohx
Enemies: evil cyborgs and cyclops from West Virgina
Home: tiny dwelling in Saskatoon, the interior is painted black because he prefers dark colours and is lighted with black lights in which he adores because when he has company over they through huge dance parties, did i mention there's a giant disco ball in his family room?
Hobbies: dancing, grooming his cat, being up to date with the latest trends in head gear, using his powers for the better
Fav Food: Tacos
Music: The Gorillas

Friday, March 6, 2009

Famous People In Advertising

i) I like the Crest advertisement with Vanessa Williams the most. I like this one the most because it shows a beautiful woman with sparkling white teeth which is a smart strategy to selling a product. Her beauty would attract a lot of attention and make people want to take a second look at what's being advertised and probably buy it. That being said i would probably want to buy the product thinking that if she can have sparkling white teeth then maybe I can too.

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ii) I like the blackberry advertisement with Catherine Zeta-Jones the least. I like it the least because I don't think the advertisement conveys a message. The ad doesn't catch my eye or convince me that i need to go out and buy a blackberry.

b) I think the celebrities deserve this kind of money because they work hard for it. Like any other job you work and then at the end of the day you get paid. They may make way more money then the average person but that's only because of the industry they are in. In conclusion I think it's fair that celebrities earn this money.

i) Celebrities have a huge influence over what people buy. I say this because If a famous person is admired in the public eye people are likely to buy the product because they have a "cool image" which convinces people that they will also be "cool" once they have this product.

ii) I think there is to much celebrity influence. People now a days are almost dependant on copying celebrities in order to be cool. It's almost like if you don't buy whats new and what all the celebrities are wearing you don't have style. The media has made people clueless when it comes to being their own person and love themselves for who they are.

iii) I think it's a good thing that they took Michael Phelps off the Kellogg's advertisements because if they kept him it would show people that if Michael Phelps can get away with smoking an illegal substance and still be successful then i can too. This gives the wrong message to many people and is just not right.

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iii) I think Marilyn Monroe would support this product because when your a big actress on the run accidents happen and it is very handy to wipe away those spills or stains with one easy step.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Top 10

A) My favourite hero would have to be Batman aka Bruce Wayne. This fictional character is a hero because he is noble and trustworthy. The towns people leave Gotham City in the hands of Batman and they are never disappointed.

My favourite villain would have to be Freddy Krueger. He is an interesting villain because the only way he can get to you is through your dreams, so that alone takes pure talent. I also enjoy his sweater and that nifty trade mark glove he wears.

B) The scientist I like best is Sir Issac Newton. I think he is the best because his scientific discoveries have greatly expanded common day knowledge about the way things work and why they work the way they do. His Three Laws of motion are used daily and will continue to be used for decades to come.

C) My favourite male actor would have to be Adam Sandler. He is a funny guy that is always dedicated to becoming his character. My favourite Adam Sandler movie is Big Daddy.

My favourite female actress would have to be Reese Witherspoon. I think she role plays well from comedy to romantic drama, she is always on top of her game. My favourite Reese Witherspoon movie is Walk The Line.

D) I think Floyd Landis is my least favourite. I say this because he threw away his career, his chance to finish his Tour de France, his fame and basically his life. Anyone who decides to get into things such as enhancing drugs obviously has poor judgement and doesn't mind throwing their life away.

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Friday, February 20, 2009


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1) I chose this picture because I love the movie Shrek 1 & 2 and I think that my face on Shrek's body is pretty humours.

2) I think the picture turned out pretty good. Although the green on my face doesn't perfectly match the colour green of Shreks body it still turned out well.

3) I think the actor Mike Myers that is the voice of Shrek is one funny dude. Shreks character is always the tough ogar with no loving emotions but every once in a while he lets his feelings shine through his tough exterior.

4) I think creating this picture was enjoyable. It gives you a different perspective of what you would like in another figure and in the end makes up for a pretty good laugh.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentines Questions.

3.a)“I don't understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon.

b) I find this quote humerous because if you think about it why does cupid represent Valentines Day? People are eiather with someone or they arn't, Cupid does not make miracles happen on this day or any other day for that matter. I don't think he should represent the occassion because it's almost like it convays a false message that you will find your "true love" on Valentines.

4. I think the best gift to recieve on Valentines would be a cute teddy bear, a card expressing your feelings and chocolates. It's simple, un-expensive and still shows that you care for your loved one.
I think the worst gift would be a gym membership. It implying that your calling your loved one "fat" or "out of shape" and is simply rude. I hope i never recieve a gym membership.

5. a) My ideal Valentines day for my partner and I would be just hanging out at my house, watching movies and ordering chinese takeout. It doesn't involve fancy restaurants or over priced movie tickets, just a laid back day thats still enjoyable.

b) My ideal Valentines day if i was single would be hanging out with friends and talking about how much we hate the holiday. It would be a time to let off steam and vent. After we we're done all the venting we would pig out on candy, watch movies and play games such as guitar hero.

valentines day Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, February 6, 2009


My name is Kacey Lee.
If you haven't already noticed, this is my first blog.
More will be added in the future;

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