Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentines Questions.

3.a)“I don't understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon.

b) I find this quote humerous because if you think about it why does cupid represent Valentines Day? People are eiather with someone or they arn't, Cupid does not make miracles happen on this day or any other day for that matter. I don't think he should represent the occassion because it's almost like it convays a false message that you will find your "true love" on Valentines.

4. I think the best gift to recieve on Valentines would be a cute teddy bear, a card expressing your feelings and chocolates. It's simple, un-expensive and still shows that you care for your loved one.
I think the worst gift would be a gym membership. It implying that your calling your loved one "fat" or "out of shape" and is simply rude. I hope i never recieve a gym membership.

5. a) My ideal Valentines day for my partner and I would be just hanging out at my house, watching movies and ordering chinese takeout. It doesn't involve fancy restaurants or over priced movie tickets, just a laid back day thats still enjoyable.

b) My ideal Valentines day if i was single would be hanging out with friends and talking about how much we hate the holiday. It would be a time to let off steam and vent. After we we're done all the venting we would pig out on candy, watch movies and play games such as guitar hero.

valentines day Pictures, Images and Photos

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