Friday, March 6, 2009

Famous People In Advertising

i) I like the Crest advertisement with Vanessa Williams the most. I like this one the most because it shows a beautiful woman with sparkling white teeth which is a smart strategy to selling a product. Her beauty would attract a lot of attention and make people want to take a second look at what's being advertised and probably buy it. That being said i would probably want to buy the product thinking that if she can have sparkling white teeth then maybe I can too.

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ii) I like the blackberry advertisement with Catherine Zeta-Jones the least. I like it the least because I don't think the advertisement conveys a message. The ad doesn't catch my eye or convince me that i need to go out and buy a blackberry.

b) I think the celebrities deserve this kind of money because they work hard for it. Like any other job you work and then at the end of the day you get paid. They may make way more money then the average person but that's only because of the industry they are in. In conclusion I think it's fair that celebrities earn this money.

i) Celebrities have a huge influence over what people buy. I say this because If a famous person is admired in the public eye people are likely to buy the product because they have a "cool image" which convinces people that they will also be "cool" once they have this product.

ii) I think there is to much celebrity influence. People now a days are almost dependant on copying celebrities in order to be cool. It's almost like if you don't buy whats new and what all the celebrities are wearing you don't have style. The media has made people clueless when it comes to being their own person and love themselves for who they are.

iii) I think it's a good thing that they took Michael Phelps off the Kellogg's advertisements because if they kept him it would show people that if Michael Phelps can get away with smoking an illegal substance and still be successful then i can too. This gives the wrong message to many people and is just not right.

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iii) I think Marilyn Monroe would support this product because when your a big actress on the run accidents happen and it is very handy to wipe away those spills or stains with one easy step.

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